Indian Navy holds sailing training capsule for South African Navy officers


New Delhi: The Indian Navy has organized a three-week sailing training capsule for Officer Trainees (Second Lieutenants) of the Republic of South African Navy (RSAN) at the Ocean Navigation Node (OSN) of the Indian Navy at INS Mandovi, Goa from 28 Mar 22 to 16 Apr 22 .

The training program was conducted under the aegis of the Indian Naval Sailing Association (INSA) which is the umbrella organization of the IHQ MoD (Navy) as far as sailing training is concerned. The training was conducted aboard the Indian Navy sailing vessel (INSV) Tarini which had circumnavigated the globe with an all-female crew from September 2017 to May 2018.

The 20-day course included port and sea phases of 10 days each covering aspects of sailing theory and sea outings, including night outings.

Navigating the oceans under sail is an extremely challenging activity that not only enhances risk-taking abilities but also hones essential skills including seamanship, navigation, communication and on-board technical operations. The training therefore aimed to foster the spirit of adventure of the participating crews and to strengthen the ties between the two friendly nations across the oceans. The training also aimed to instill “the indefinable ‘sense of the sea’ and respect for the elements of nature, which are inseparable from safe and successful navigation”.

With the successful progress of the program, the Indian Navy is committed to offering more customized ocean sailing training courses in the future. The Indian Navy believes that training aboard these vessels is the best method to impart the values ​​of courage, camaraderie and esprit de corps to aspiring naval officers.


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